Contributed by Vinci Rufus on 21 Jul 2012
While the latest production ready versions for Magento  1.x  for the Community and Enterprise have been released, Magento 2.0 has been in the works for a while now and the code is also available at Github here .
From the looks of it Magento 2.0 is not just another upgrade version but an completely new architecture and a code base thats quite different from the 1.x series.
Some of the enhancements features to look out for in Magento 2.0 are:
Magento 2.0 is going run on PHP 5.3  and the Zend Framework. Whatâs good is now besides supporting MySQL it will now also support MSSQL , Oracle and should soon be supporting PostgreSQL.
Thankfully they will also replace the default Prototype library with the jQuery.
Magento 2.0 will now come with its own set of automated tests for  Unit Testing , Integration, Functional and Performance Testing
Magento 2.0 core development team is taking elaborate steps to improve performance, this includes reducing the time to generate the pages on the server and also optimize the page load times on the browsers. The current version is already about 20% faster than Magento 1.x series.
The various modules like catalog, checkout, CMS, etc will be components with high code coupling between each other.  What this means is incase you donot want to use a certain module, you can simply disable it and write  your component in its place. No more having to install the whole thing and hacking the existing code base for customizations and tweaks. This will also ensure that your code base is fairly clean and the site performance will also significantly increase.
The Magento directory structure will also change and will look something like below:
The Views are also now going to be more modular, ie all the Layouts Templates, Images, JavaScript and CSS would be directly in the Module folder.
Entity Attribute Value (EVA) which was notorious for this complexity and performance related issues, might not see the light of day in Magento 2.0. While a formal decision on this is still pending, many of the Magento developers hope it would be replaced by  a simpler and faster key value pair implementation.
The roadmap for Magento 2.0 looks quite interesting and are righfully addressing all the pain points weâve been facing with 1.x. In my opinion Magento 2.0 will go a long way in strengthening Magentoâs position as the #1 eCommerce platform for small, medium and large businesses.
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