DevOps and AppDynamics

Contributed by Ravi Petlur on 2 Sep 2013

DevOps is the new buzzword, everywhere I see I get at least a couple of mentions of it. It’s nothing different than how the application was managed earlier. It’s just proving the fact that more than the required number of processes can slowdown the whole ecosystem. We have languages like Groovy/Scala in JVM world and frameworks like Grails/ROR which are changing the way applications are written. Average time-to-market has come down drastically with these rapid application development frameworks, but they also bring a new challenge of maintaining these applications. Operations team has to manage these applications and manage their SLA application up-time. DevOps is constantly working on release cycles and making sure each release is as stable as the previous one if not better. The concept of “Dev” represents a software development and engineering aspect, and “Ops” has always stood for IT operations. The combination of “DevOps” tries to convey an intuitive alliance between software developers and IT operations team. And indeed, this is the basic idea of DevOps and the trigger of the corresponding notion: a coming together of two fundamentally different traditional areas of perception - software development and IT operations.

The Real DevOps of Silicon Valley

A good team is vital for DevOps. However, it is the tools that could be the deciding factor in the entire philosophy - so know the tools, to have the best tools on hand. AppDynamics is one such tool which gives insight into the application performance and is a major platform where Dev and Ops team can collaborate and look into the problem through a unified window. AppDynamics can also be used to measure success with its awesome metrics.

See the big picture: AppDynamics helps in seeing the big picture. It gives a map view of the application, and is very useful when you are looking for bottlenecks. This is “THE DASHBOARD” which will help Devops look into the application in a unified way.

Source: AppDynamics

Monitor: Monitoring with logs is not enough. The view of logs is not completely an X-Ray into the application problem. It does not provide business insight into the application. How many hits happened for a particular product launched is hard to get from logs. AppDynamics helps in such metrics. It can keep a check on application health and also provide important business metrics which will define the success of Devops kind of culture. Response time is one of the stats that define business success. Amazon defines 1s response time increase -  If an e-commerce site is making $100,000 per day, a 1 second page delay could potentially cost you $2.5 million in lost sales every year.

Source: AppDynamics

Compare: Measuring success is also about comparing the previous cycle with the current, even if it is the financial productivity of releases. AppDynamics allows you to compare releases and tell whether the current release is better or worse. It also gives developers insight into what is it that is causing the response times go hay-way.

Source: AppDynamics

Measure Success: Measuring success with metrics available from monitoring the application is much easier. AppDynamics gives a metrics analyser which ptovides a one-stop-shop for all the metrics and graphs etc. It’s as easy as a few clicks to see the business impact of an application downtime.

Source: AppDynamics

There are a huge bunch of features which are in AppDynamics and can help with building DevOps at your premise. It’s not only useful for developers and operations teams to collaborate and work together but is a useful tool to take to your CEO and show the business value.



- Contributed by Ravi Petlur.

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